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The Top 8 Incredible Sites To Visit In Phuentsholing, Bhutan

Bhutan is a landlocked nation in South Asia, officially known as the Kingdon of Bhutan. Its northern border is with Tibet, its western border with Sikkim and West Bengal of India, and its eastern border with Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. Bhutan’s financial hub is Phuentsholing, while Thimphu serves as the country’s capital. Bhutan is the second-least populous country in South Asia, behind the Maldives. The southern region of Bhutan is where Phuentsholing is situated. Moreover, it shares a border with Bhutan and India. It was rumoured that the kings and queens of the Himalayan Kingdom lived here. Bhutanese, Nepalese, and Indian cultures are all mixed together in this area. Continue reading to learn about the top 7 attractions in Phuentsholing.

Top 8 Places One Must Visit In Phuentsholing

When visiting Bhutan, one of the best spots to go is Phuentsholing. See the top 7 locations that must be on your itinerary when visiting Bhutan in the list below.

Bhutan Gate - 2023-03-09T182528.204
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One of Phuentsholing’s most popular tourist attractions is Bhutan Gate. Did you also know that the primary gateway to and from India is the Bhutan Gate? Trust me when I say that the view of the gate is magnificent with the wonderful woodcraft and the well-kept flower gardens beside providing a beautiful setup. It is situated directly next to the Regional Immigration Office.

  • Location:Bhutan’s border crossing with India at Jaigaon is where people enter or leave the country.
  • Timings: 7:30 AM – 8:30 PM

Phuentsholing Viewpoint - 2023-03-09T182646.801
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The Peeple Drangra or Phuentsholing perspective comes next on the list of the best places to see in Phuentsholing. This is located at the same elevation as Rinchending Goemba. The daytime is the best time to visit because you’ll have a clear view of the Bengal plains and the bustling town of Phuentsholing. This site is ideal for stunning photography because of the incline of the hills and the nearby Torsa River.

  • Location:Phuentsholing Hospital is 20 minutes away.

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After visiting the Zangto Pelri Lhakhang and circumambulating the prayer wheels, you can also explore the adjacent Zangto Pelri Park. This location is completely kid-friendly, and you will undoubtedly have a fantastic time with your family. Monks can be seen saying prayers while visitors stroll by, along with lovers in the corners and children leaping all over the place. The park’s immaculate condition is what makes it so unique and popular with tourists.

  • Location:Town Center, close to the Indo-Bhutan border
  • Timings: 8 AM – 6 PM

Amo Chhu Crocodile Breeding Centre - 2023-03-09T182905.737
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Another popular tourist attraction in Phuentsholing is the Amo Chhu Crocodile Breeding Centre. If you are a great admirer of crocodiles and want to learn everything you can about them, this destination should surely be on your bucket list because you can observe the feeding session on a nice afternoon. There are a few ponds with fish in them, as well as endangered gharials, mugger crocodiles, migrating birds, tortoises, and fish.

  • Location: On the Amu Chhu riverbanks, near the Phuentsholing bus station.
  • Timings: 9 AM – 6 PM

Zangto Pelri Lhakhang - 2023-03-09T183027.163
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Even if you are not religious or seeking religious ardour, Zangto or Zangdo Pelri Lhakhang is a lovely and peaceful location to visit. Early in the morning, you might witness Buddhist monks chanting hymns. There are additional 8 idols of Bodhisattva, Avalokiteshvara, and Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, in addition to the major Amitabha idol, that make this area worth visiting.

  • Location: Town Center, close to the border with Bhutan
  • Timings: 8 AM – 6 PM

Torsa River Side

One location that fits this description is the Torsa River Side, which is reachable on foot. The view is spectacular in the morning, and what’s most intriguing is that there are no cars allowed on this road. You can set up a tent here to spend the night and take in the view of the town, the lush hillocks, and the confluence of the two streams of the Torsa.

  • Location: On the way from Phuentsholing to Thimphu or Paro via the uphill path

Phuentsholing Market - 2023-03-09T183454.701
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You shopaholics Phuentsholing is a fantastic market full of gorgeous items just waiting for you. This market is a little out of the way from the main town. You should definitely go to Phuentsholing Market because it is inexpensive and sells all basic necessities such as food – both cooked and uncooked. Beautiful souvenirs, as well as bronze and brass gods, can be purchased.

  • Location:Ahead of you as you travel to the Amu Chhu Crocodile Breeding Center

Karbandi Monastery

An outstanding beautiful vantage point with idols of Rinpoche, Shakyamuni, and Shabdrung Ngawang on your sightseeing trip to Phuentsholing Karbandi or Rinchending Goemba. While strolling through this lush green landscape, you will come across 8 Tibetan-Buddhist Stupas and enjoy the view of Phuentsholing and the Bengal plain.

  • Location: Phuentsholing town’s 400-meter-high mound

Best Time To Visit

The greatest time to visit Bhutan is from April through June, when it is in its spring season. Around this time, all of the flowers bloom, which is visually appealing. Temperatures typically vary from 25 to 35 degrees Celsius.

If you want to experience the shivers of Phuentsholing, you must visit Bhutan during the winter months of November to March. At this time, the temperature swings from -20 degrees Celsius to 0 degrees Celsius. This is the coldest it can get. I’m sure this is an experience you won’t want to miss.

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