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Top Places To Visit In Nandi Hills For Weekend Getaways

Nandi Hills is a well-known hill station in Karnataka, and there are so many wonderful places to choose from that tourists are frequently overloaded! Visitors to Bengaluru who want a weekend getaway should consider this area. The location is made even more convenient for travellers by its close proximity to the international airport. There are numerous locations to explore, including the remains of former royal forts, historic temples, and other significant buildings. The sunrise, which is a favourite of those who love nature and photography, may be its biggest draw. If you’re looking for weekend getaways, pick one of these popular Nandi Hills destinations!

The majority of Nandi Hills’ tourist attractions are kept up well and are regarded as significant heritage sites. Since most of these attractions are close to one another, you can easily visit them all in one day. Due to the pleasant weather, you can plan your trip to Nandi Hills at any time of the year. The transportation options have improved recently, which has improved tourism prospects. The area offers attractions to suit almost every kind of traveller. Check out the top destinations in Nandi Hills for weekend excursions!

A Day At The Nandi Hills' Foothills

Beautiful hills known as the Nandi Hills are just 60 kilometres away from Bangalore. Getting their name from the large statue of the Lord Nandi that was erected atop the hills. Most of the visitors to the area, especially those from Bangalore, consider it to be their favourite.

Nandi Hills Drive-In Camp

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Enjoy camping at Beautiful Hill, which is 60 kilometres from Bangalore and situated in the Nandi Hills’ foothills. Experience an exciting camping adventure while staying in cosy tents at the picturesque location, which is surrounded by hills covered in lush greenery. You can take advantage of the perfect fusion of outdoor beauty and a huge selection of indoor games, including pool table and foosball. Play indoor-outdoor games while taking in the vistas at the top. In the evening, you can spend time by the bonfire conversing with other travellers. The campground offers breakfast, dinner, and high-tea meals in a restaurant open around-the-clock.

Skandagiri In Chikballapur

The Skandagiri hills, which offer the thrill of trekking, should be the first choice for anyone looking for places to visit in the Nandi Hills. It is a hilltop fortress with breathtaking natural beauty and views that is also known as Kalavara Durga. The peak is off NH7, about 3 km from Chikballapur. You have to walk through the Kalavara village in order to get to the peak. On the hill are the remains of an 18th-century fort. The temple nearby and the ruins themselves are both in a decrepit state at the moment. However, trekking is a fun activity that is best done in the winter. Buses run between Bengaluru and Chikballapur, from where you can take an auto or walk to get to the foot of the hills. The location is perfect for photographers.

Bhoga Nandeeswara Temple

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Some of the most stunning royal heritage temples, which spellbound historians, can be found in Karnataka. At the foot of the Nandi Hills is the magnificent Bhoga Nandeeswara Temple, which is devoted to Lord Shiva. The temple is currently being maintained by ASI. Three temples—the Arunachaleshwara, Bhoga Nandeeshwara, and Uma Maheshwara temples—are housed within the enormous temple complex. The temple’s interior sculptures and artwork excite visitors, and its ancient Dravidian architecture is clearly visible. The original temple, allegedly constructed by Bana queen Ratnabali in the ninth century, underwent numerous renovations during the five dynasties that followed to rule Karnataka. As a result, the temple exhibits a variety of architectural styles. Rajendra, the Chola king, is commemorated by a statue in the complex of temples. Even today, weddings are held on the grounds of the temple, and Shivratri is the ideal time for pilgrims.

Tipu Sultan’s Fort

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Tipu Sultan has a special place in the annals of history as well as a heritage of Karnataka. Tipu Sultan was regarded as one of the mightiest warriors of southern India who fought bravely against the British invaders to protect the sovereignty of his motherland. During his reign, the mighty ruler and freedom fighter constructed some buildings and forts that are still standing today and are popular tourist attractions. One of the most popular tourist destinations in Nandi Hills is the Tashk-e-Jannat (Heaven’s Envy) fort. The fort was built by Tipu’s father, Haider Ali, and later inaugurated by Tipu Sultan. The fort, which is perched atop a hill, has five magnificent arches covered in minarets and displays the splendour of ancient architecture.

Yoga Nandeeshwara Temple

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In Karnataka, the idea of constructing twin temples for the same deity is quite common and prevalent, and Nandi Hills is evidence of this religious belief. The Bhoga Nandeeshwara Temple is located at the foot of the Nandi Hills, and the Yoginandeeshwara Temple is located at the top of the hills.
The Lord Shiva temple on a hilltop symbolises the deity’s final stage, which is the state of renunciation. The stunningly designed hilltop Shiva temple dates back to the Chola dynasty and has a long history. You have a breathtaking view of the neighbouring valley from the temple grounds.


There are many caves in this area of the Nandi Hills, which is known for its mountainous terrain. Visitors with a spiritual bent come to the cave known as Brahmashram all year long. Your mind will be calmed by the surrounding lush vegetation and the peaceful atmosphere of the cave. Following a day of sightseeing at Nandi Hills, this can be the ideal way to unwind. However, it is constantly crowded. The cave’s notable feature is that it served as a meditation retreat for the illustrious Sage Ramakrishna Paramhansa for a short period of time during his spiritual quest. The setting is peaceful and tranquil there. However, recently, masonry work was done to renovate the cave. There are numerous trees inside the cave, which is surrounded by greenery.

Grover’s Zampa Vineyard

One of the best places to visit in Nandi Hills is this. For those who enjoy drinking high-quality wine while taking in breathtaking natural beauty and tranquilly, the areas near Nandi Hills are ideal. Your eyes and mind will be calmed by the 410 acre-long vineyards. The winery has been in operation for the past 20 years and makes some of the best wines in southern India and Karnataka. The grapes are hand-picked, and equipment of the highest quality is used for both processing and storage. A guided tour is available to introduce you to all the subtleties of winemaking. You can also enjoy some of the well-known French grape-based wine varieties. Additionally, lunch is included in this tour.

There are more justifications than not to begin making reservations. Start creating your own itinerary online by selecting the top Nandi Hills attractions. At Tripshark, we take great care to plan exciting vacations using our best travel expertise. Start making travel plans and have fun!

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